As a young child growing up, I was taught that it was wrong to take things that didn't belong to me, but from time to time, I still pushed the limits and didn't listen to my parents. One day I was in a convenience store and just couldn't resist picking up some bubble gum and candy and I tried to put it in my pants. I looked around and didn't see anyone watching. I stuffed my pockets and prepared to make a clean getaway. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder as the store clerk had caught me red-handed. Only then did it hit home about taking things that didn't belong to me as I was terrified of what the clerk would do. Surely I thought that I was going to be put in jail (I was only around 8 years old). My mother was called and I knew what that meant....a belt to my behind. Needless to say, I was scared straight for awhile.
"For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings"
Proverbs 5:21
Many times we are tempted to go against God's word. We commit sin and then we think nobody knows about it. We make it a habit to keep doing things that we know are wrong, not having that reverential fear of the LORD that He's watching everything that we do. Maybe we can get away with hiding our wickedness from our neighbors, family and friends but nothing is hidden from the all-seeing eyes of God. Sooner or later the LORD repays for unrepentant sins. It's only a matter of time. You only need to turn on your television or read your newspapers to see that prominent (and not so prominent) people are brought down in scandals all the time. They weep and confess how sorry they are. Sometimes their lives and their families are never the same.
"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good"
Proverbs 15:3
We mock God when we commit sin against Him and when we are more concerned about someone else seeing us and getting caught red-handed, but never stop to consider that the eyes of the LORD are upon us at all times. When we sin against God, it comes with a price. Some people go to their grave having never repented of the sin that they thought nobody knew, and sadly they end up lost and in hell.
I've often heard the term, "the perfect crime" where the perpetrator plans and carries out a crime that they're never held responsible for. What they tend to forget is though they may fool man, they can never fool God. Every deed done (whether good or bad) in the body is brought into judgement. Sin does have a penalty.
I've often heard the term, "the perfect crime" where the perpetrator plans and carries out a crime that they're never held responsible for. What they tend to forget is though they may fool man, they can never fool God. Every deed done (whether good or bad) in the body is brought into judgement. Sin does have a penalty.
If you are committing sin realize that you will stand before the judgement seat one day. You will be judged for all the things you have done in your lifetime. Confess your sins and ask the LORD to forgive you. Become Godly sorrowful and ask the LORD to come into your heart and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. The LORD is gracious and merciful to all those who comes to Him in true repentance. Don't let the sins you commit that you think nobody sees cause you to end up being cast into a burning lake of fire. Repent!