"Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord"
Matthew 25: 21
John Daniel Williams went home to be with the Lord on April 1, 2012. As I sit here and stare at his photograph on the wall in my prayer closet, tears well up in my eyes of a man, though I never had the chance to meet in this life, I have come to learn so much about.
From the stories told to me from his children (Angie Martin & Jay Ritchie Williams), his grandchildren, and the countless friends and colleagues that knew him, JD (as he was affectionately known) Williams stood a giant among men.
In 2014, long before we moved into the place that has now become our home, I got into the car and drove upon the grounds and parked the car. The place hadn't been lived in for a while. It was secluded and quiet. I got out of the car and walked toward the barn. Not too long ago lived a man who walked these same grounds. Everywhere I looked there stood J. D. Williams. It only took a few seconds to know that these grounds were sacred. I grabbed my Bible and began to walk toward the red barn, just adjacent to the parking garage. There was something, or someone, beckoning for me to come closer. Just as I neared the barn, I stopped and began to feel that spirit of prayer. "Right here," a voice whispered to me. I suddenly felt the power and anointing of God fall upon me as I immediately went into a spirit of travail. Tears were flowing from my eyes as I knelt right there upon the ground and raised my hands toward heaven. I felt the very presence of God as I cried out for lost souls. It was an experience that is hard to explain, but I knew that I had now encountered the place where J. D. Williams often prayed. When you come upon a place where a prayer warrior prays, you will know. The prayers that this man prayed can still be felt as I'm out walking, what I now call, "my prayer circle." How remarkable to know that this man's prayers can still be felt, so many years later.
My husband told me a story that truly touched my heart. It was 5 years ago, today (March 31, 2012). As family and friends stood around to spend their last moments with him, J. D. asked to baptize all of them. As sick as he was, he wanted one last opportunity to do something that meant so much to him. He didn't leave one person out as he baptized everyone in the room, from the youngsters to the grownups. If he'd had his way, he would have been down baptizing them in the river, because he believed in a good old baptism service. He didn't believe in sprinkling, but he loved submerging the entire body in water. But, he was much too weak. After he was done baptizing everyone, he then looked up to heaven and whispered, "Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit." He was now ready to meet the Lord, as he'd performed his last duty upon earth. What an awesome experience that must have been to behold for those who were fortunate enough to witness it. I can only imagine what all the many family and friends must have felt to see something so incredible. A man of God who was faithful in both life, and nearing death. There are several photographs on the wall of my prayer closet of J.D. Williams baptizing. I can see a man who truly loved Jesus, and at all costs, wanted to obey Him.

One of these days I will get to meet J.D. Williams in heaven. What a glorious day that will be. Surrounded by loved ones long departed, and to shake the hand of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In the meantime, the saints of old like J.D. are sending down prayers to encourage us to hold on, and to keep the faith. Each time that I'm privileged to walk the grounds of my prayer circle, I can feel the prayers that were prayed long ago by such a humble servant of God. He left a great legacy for his children, grandchildren, and friends. In life, and now in death, J. D. Williams taught people how to serve the Lord. He was a man that led by example. We need more men like that in this world today. True worshipers that worship Jesus in Spirit and in Truth. This was who J.D. Williams was, right up to the moment he breathed his last breath. Rest on John Daniel Williams. Your love for God is still being felt today from everyone who knew you, and for those who didn't. Thank you, Man of God. You fought a good fight. You finished your race. Well done, good and faithful servant.

John Daniel Williams