"O Give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for His mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the LORD of lords: for His mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for His mercy endureth for ever"
PSALMS 136: 1-3, 26
In the busyness of your day, do you ever just stop to thank God? Do you ever recall or remember some great blessing that the LORD sent your way, or some sickness you were dealing with that He healed, or that job promotion, or that new car you were blessed with, or that stranger that stopped along the way to offer you a helping hand when your car broke down?
The truth of the matter is, we are always asking God for things, but sometimes we forget to simply tell him, 'Thank You LORD" for all the things that you have given to me. Sometimes we take for granted having good health, a roof over our head, a nice car to get us around, food on the table, etc. In a world where many people are always screaming 'give me, give me' we sometimes lose sight that we are such blessed people. But we are to be a thankful people.
Look around you and behold the beauty of God's nature. Having now lived here in the Ozarks for the past several years, I 'm just amazed by all the beauty and handiwork of the LORD. Clean fresh air and the green grass. The clear ponds and streams and all the many animals. It is just a breathtaking sight to behold. I am just so thankful that my eyes can take in such amazing scenery.
Sometimes we miss our blessing by not taking the time to thank the LORD for the things that He's already done. What is it that you are most thankful for today? Why not go to the LORD in prayer and simply let Him know how much you appreciate all that you've been given.
Sometimes we miss our blessing by not taking the time to thank the LORD for the things that He's already done. What is it that you are most thankful for today? Why not go to the LORD in prayer and simply let Him know how much you appreciate all that you've been given.