Oh, how I love this verse! It doesn't leave out any of us. The fountain of God, overflowing with the water of life. It's there for the drinking to all of us, old and young, weak or strong, rich or poor, smart of dull, large or small. It's for all of us that are willing to take!
I'm so glad that God has promised to never turn away anyone who comes to Him. There are those who say that a little child, or a retarded person can't know and love Jesus. No! This is not true. God's word says, "Whosoever will." You don't have to have gone to seminary. There's no minimum I.Q. requirements for the Kingdom of God. I read in the Book of Luke 1:15 that "John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb."
Know this, that God is interested in saving souls today. Big souls and little souls. Old and young souls. All souls! Is there anybody you could tell about Jesus today, that you haven't given the Good News that Jesus loves them? Talk to them today. You may never know how thirsty they are for the water of life, Jesus Christ. Tell them whosoever will...Come!