It does no good to only sit around and talk about the things that you want all the time. Put in the required work to get what you want. Whether it be purchasing a new house or car, continuing your education, cleaning up your credit, or whatever it may be, anytime that you work hard toward achieving the things that you want eventually you will get it. For such a long time I have longed to become a writer. It's a long time in coming, but each and everyday I write. Sometimes the words that I write doesn't seem to make much sense and I get writer's block like all writers do, but that doesn't stop me from writing. I find an hour or two each day where I do nothing but sit and write. I have my eyes on the bigger prize, and that's to see my name on a book someday. And I have no doubts it will happen.
If you have a goal or a dream that you want to reach, put some time forth each day to work on it. At times it may seem that you will never get to the place that you desire to be, or that things are moving slowly, but don't ever give up.
Word of thought: It doesn't matter who finishes the race ahead of you, but that you cross the line yourself. Be who God made you to be, and run your own race.