Monday, October 23, 2017

Be A Godly Example

If any of us desire to do anything for the Lord, we must allow Him to work through us.  The best way to teach others is by being a good example to them.  We can only do this through Jesus Christ.  He taught us to have unconditional love for each other, even in the midst of hate and rebellion.  We can talk all day and night, but letting the light of Christ shine in us is the best way to win over those who will not listen to mere words.  

The world is full of people who want to just talk and give their opinion on things.  There's nothing wrong with that, but we're living in a generation where people watch more than they listen.  It will, therefore, be well advised to let the light of Jesus Christ shine in your life.  God will get the glory, and you can rest happy knowing that the time you spend alone with Him pays in dividends of seeing others drawn to Christ.  

Monday, October 16, 2017

God's Eye Is Upon Us

This is the Scripture that the Lord laid upon my heart this morning as I sat here and pondered on some of the things going on in my life.  I have to believe and trust that He knows what He's doing.  I meditated upon this verse and began to look back on all the times that Jesus has been there for me.  Even as a little girl, I didn't realize just how prevalent the eyes of God were upon me.  

If we allow the Lord to deal with us in the Word and be willing to obey His voice, then we won't end up on the wrong roads on our life journey.  The places that we are taken will make us stronger and wiser.  They may not always be easy roads.  Some will be bumpy, crooked, and muddy.  We have to trust God in the process that His eye is ever upon us and we will not get lost along the way.