The Word of God is so powerful. I read this passage of Scripture many times while I was going through chemotherapy. I will never forget the day that I visited my oncologist for the first time. I went in the office, along with my husband and sister, fully expecting to be told that I would just have to have a few additional lymph nodes removed, and that I would only need radiation. But, after I left the office I can't remember being more scared in my life. I would need aggressive chemotherapy.
I lost all consciousness at that moment, and tuned out everything else the doctor was telling me. My biggest fear was upon me.
I can only describe this moment as one of total disbelief. I felt so helpless. When I was alone in the car with my husband I just burst out crying. He held my hand as my cries turned into prayers. "Lord, I'm giving this to you. I know that You spoke to me the other day while I was on my knees in prayer. I know that You're not going to let me down. O Lord, just give me strength". A few moments later I felt the peace of God. He lifted the heavy burden of the moment off me. "I'm your God", He spoke to me. "I'm your God."
In our times of storms there will be a battle of fear and faith. No one can prepare you for moments like this, but if you're a believer in the Word of God it will surely substain you. What got me through my cancer ordeal was reading the Bible and standing on what it said. It was easy to be scared, and there were times when the devil screamed in my ear that I was facing a hopeless battle. He constantly tried to get me to go against the Word of God. "Don't be afraid, My Child," the Lord kept telling me. "I'm your God, and I'm with you."
Isaiah 41:10 became so real to me. The Lord revealed His faithfulness and power to me more than He'd ever done in my entire life during my cancer ordeal. I want to encourage you today that He's with you. He wants to be 'your God. If you are dealing with circumstances that are out of the doctor's hands, it is not out of God's hands. Whatever you are going through, just know that He loves you, and all things happen for a reason in our lives. Use this time as an opportunity to get closer to Him, and allow Him to be your God. He has promised to strengthen and uphold you. The Lord is faithful to His Word.