"Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I"
These verses from Psalm 61: 1-2 clearly spoke to me. Though nearly every emotion in me was crying out and trying to get me down, the LORD picked me up with these verses. There is no other place that I'd rather run than to that Rock, Christ Jesus. God has been dealing with me lately on His love. The Devil would have all believe that there's nothing to the love of God. I don't care how much approval and love we get from our fellow man, if we don't know the love of God, we are truly deceived. Don't be fooled that because you have trials and tests, days of lack, times of loneliness, moments when your heart just breaks....that it's because God doesn't love you. The love of God never fails. Though we are broken in spirit sometimes.....God still loves us. Though we are tested beyond measure sometimes.....God still loves us. Though people talk about us and put our name out there as evil.....God still loves us. God always have loved us....and He always will. We have to just know that there is a Rock that we can run to.....and that Rock is Jesus Christ. Lift your heads us through your trials. Jesus promised that He would never leave nor forsake us. Lay all your burdens on Him. He won't fail us. Though we may get comfort and strength from others, there is none who can comfort us like Jesus. There are times we will feel sad and lonely for one reason or the other, but know that we have a Rock that is higher than we are. Jesus loves us. Draw nigh unto God and He will surely draw nigh unto you. Thirst and hunger after His righteousness and ye will be filled. He is the only one that can completely satisfy us. The Devil deceives us when we don't get in the Word of God and read and know it for ourselves. Neglecting the Word truly makes one weak. We have to treat the Word of God like we do natural food and value it even higher. What happens when we go without natural food? What about for 3 days? What about 7 days? We get weak and lethargic don't we? How do we think we can neglect the Word of God and read it every once in a while and make it? Would that not make us weak? Would that not make us sluggish? I would like to encourage you to take a moment each day and spend some time reading the Bible. Out of all your busyness and running around, pick up your Bible and let God speak to you. Then meditate upon what He gives you so that you will have sufficient bread to make it through your day. Without it we are truly missing the best food that we could possibly eat. Amen!