"O Give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good; for His mercy endures forever"
Psalm 136:1
How wonderful it is to approach the throne of God with thanksgiving and praise!
I have found that when I start off my prayers with thanksgiving and song the LORD truly blesses my soul. There is nothing quite like being in the presence of God as He is pouring out His omnipotent power upon you. If you ever find yourself in a loss for words when talking to God, just start praising Him in song. As you begin to lift up your voice in sweet praises God's blessings truly will come down. You will have unspeakable joy.
"Praise ye the LORD; for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God"
Psalm 147:1,7
Why not start your prayer off in song and thanksgiving the next time you pray. I believe that you will find, just as I have, the LORD will bless you abundantly. Our greatest truly ins gained in a prayer of praise!
Send all mail and prayer requests to: dailymannafromheaven@gmail.com