"Come, my people, enter you into your chambers, and shut your doors about you: hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast"
Isaiah 26:20
Even if I didn't have the sanctity of my prayer closet there is still plenty of places that I can get alone with God. Before moving here to our new home my sacred place was the field just adjacent to our old house where I walked and talked to the LORD on many occasion. If the weather did not permit that, then I would wake up early and go into the living room and kneel at my sofa with my bible and note book. I always made a place where it was just me and God.
With the way things are going in this world today I hope to encourage you to find a place to be alone and bask in the presence of God on a daily basis. Sometimes it appears everything is going crazy in our society. Corruption, murder, lying, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, abortion, and just all evil imaginable is happening right under our noses and before our eyes. I can't go a day without hearing someone else has committed suicide, or some mother has abandoned her children somewhere, or violence has taken over another neighborhood with these street gangs. There's blacks against whites, whites against blacks, blacks against blacks, and just hatred for all that is good. We have lost our moral decency in this country. Our schools are plum run over with evil. It's plain sickening. I know at times people wonder why I take praying so seriously. I will just answer by saying just look at our nation and how far we have fallen. Sin has become our ruin in this country.
I encourage you to make the time to get alone with God. Whether we admit it or not God has been good to all of us. One day He will pull back His arm of protection and we will find all our money, prestige, and fortunes we have amounted in bulk won't be able to save us. It won't mean anything when it come our time to leave this world. What will matter is how we spend our time now. Are we seeking to really know God or is it just a Sunday, one day a week thing?
"Not every one that says to Me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in Your name? and in Your name have cast out devils? and in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity"
Matthew 7: 21-23
One day it is going to be too late. Now is the accepted time to find God in that secret place and get to really know Him. You don't get to really know someone until you are willing to spend time with them in their presence. If you want to truly know God, then start spending time alone with Him. You may say, "I'm just too busy and I have too much going on to take time to do that". Well listen I always say, and it's a true saying, 'you will make time for what you deem really important' so when you say and make excuses about time what you are really saying is "God, you're not more important than my work or career or family" or whatever we may make excuses for.
The LORD Jesus Christ wants a relationship with each one of us. He wants us all to experience what it is like to bask in His presence. What could be more important than that? My prayer for you today is that you deem it important enough to get to really know this great man we call Jesus. He's ready to bless you by inviting you upon that mountaintop with Him. Friends, why not today?