"But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law does he meditate day and night"
Psalm 1:2
Hello Friends,
It is the start of another week that the LORD has allowed us to enter and I'm so thankful, and being in His will I get to blow out another candle this Thursday, February 12th, as I celebrate my birthday. As I look back over the past year I can see clearly how much my family and I have been blessed. There were many trials and days when the storm raged violently, but here I am sitting here and writing to you of just how awesome a God we serve and He's ever merciful. 'Through it all', as the late Andre Crouch sang, 'I've learned to trust in Jesus; I've learned to trust in God. Through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word.'
Nothing thrills me as much as getting alone with the LORD each morning that He wakes me. His Word is the food that I crave and the more that I eat it the more I want. In my prayer closet I am surrounded by His Word and I saturate myself in it. I can be found opening it throughout the day. I carry my bible with me in my car and I read while my husband or I run errands during the week. My personal ipod is filled with the Word, whether it be in song or preaching. You see, I just can't get enough. I want to always be where the LORD can talk to me and I want to be always actively listening. The Word of God is our road map. It's the sort of food we should always crave and take delight in.
As we enter this second week in February, I would like to encourage you to set aside some time each day to meditate upon God's Word. Get alone in a quiet place and let Him speak to you. There's just a joy and peace that you will feel and you will discover how blessed it truly is to be in the presence of God.
"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper"
Psalm 1:3
Friends, what a wonderful blessing and promise from God. You won't have to wonder if He is with you or not for He promises not only to be with you, but that you will prosper in all that you set your mind to do according to His will. I pray that you all have a blessed week. You won't go wrong if you soak in all the Word of God.
In His Service,
Minister Lora L. Williams