There's a worship song that I love called "Because Of Who You Are" that I often find myself singing. The airways is filled with tunes that ushers in the praises due to our Lord and Savior. The Book of Psalms is filled with praises to God.
"I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being"
Psalm 104:33
When I look around and see the beauty of His workmanship I praise Him! When I think of His goodness, I praise Him! Even before I utter a word in prayer I sing praises to Him. I don't worry about the rocks crying out for me because I know how to praise my Jesus! I can hardly stand to see a dead church service who don't know how to give thanks and praise to the Lord. Even the birds of the air have enough sense to praise God.
Are you afraid to praise God? What has He done for you? Why don't you show forth your gratefulness by giving Him the praises due Him today! He deserves it all!