Monday, April 17, 2017


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“So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the soil of his foot to his crown.  And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself with; and he sat down among the ashes.  Then said his wife to him, Do you still retain your integrity?  Curse God, and die.  But he said to her, You speak as one of the foolish women speak.  What?  Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?  In all this did not Job sin with his lips”

Job 2: 7-10

As I read this scripture, I thought about a prayer that I’d prayed to God during the start of 2015.  I prayed and asked the Lord to draw me closer to Him.  I wanted to start the year off praying more fervently and often.  I’d seen Jesus do so many miraculous miracles in my life, and my spirit was crying out for more of God. 
As I got closer to the Lord, He began to speak to me about staying in His word.  Every time that I would get down to pray, it seems I would always be encouraged to stay in the word.  I began to read every chance that I got.  In between my walks outside, on the way to town, and especially in my secret place of prayer the Lord was speaking to me.  “Satiate yourself in My Word”, He spoke to me one morning.
I did not know then of the battle later that year that I would face when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  But, Jesus knew what was in my future, and He knew that it would require a strong faith to face this Goliath.  He wanted to prepare me for the journey ahead.

We never know what we are to face in this life, but God does. He will be with us when things are going good, and when they are not.  If He is laying upon your heart to draw closer to Him in prayer and bible study, please make yourself available to do so.  We are not promised that we will have only good things happen to us, but we will also go through times of adversity.  The Lord loves us enough to prepare us.  He knows that He is the only One that can take us through such trying times.  The Word of God is our strong tower.  Pick it up and read it daily.  Have faith in Jesus Christ, that through Him we can face any Goliath that dares stand in our path.  The Word of God, and prayer, is the only way we’re going to stand.