Inspiring to make a difference in the world by bringing positivity and inspiration to uplift and motivate others around them
Monday, March 30, 2015
God can do anything. There is nothing too hard for Him.
When I was growing up I remember there was this Gospel church program that came on every Sunday morning, and the pastor's wife would always say, "What God can't do it just can't be done." Well, there is nothing that God can't do!
He spoke this world into existence. He created man and beast. He came down to this earth in the form of sinful flesh to redeem us from sin. He spoke "Peace Be Still" to a raging sea and it was calmed. He was crucified on the cross at Calvary, yet rose again after three days with all power in His hands. He conquered death and the grave for us. No, there is no doubt in my mind that God can do anything.
Whatever darkness you may be facing today give it to God and just know that "He Can" and "He Will" if you only believe. Put your complete trust in Him. Don't doubt that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above anything that you ask or think. Satan will always be there to try and get you to doubt God's Word. But, remain firm in the faith. Don't let the Devil shake your faith. Keep your eyes focused upon Jesus Christ. Obey His Word.
For With God There Is Nothing That Is Impossible!