Friday, January 6, 2017


Read (Judges 6:1-17)

God saw in Gideon a fearless courage, but yet Gideon still was in doubt.  
When the LORD appeared to Gideon He saw the battle already won.  Gideon only saw his own weakness as a man.

Many times when I have been faced with difficult challenges in life it was easy for me to doubt and rely upon my own abilities.  When I did this failure was assured.  What God was trying to teach me was I have to lean on Him and rely upon His strength.

When I read the story of Gideon in it always is the image of myself.  Looking at the storm, and not the One (Jesus Christ) who rides the storm.  Wondering, and speaking just as Gideon, "LORD, if this is You speaking to me, then show me a sign."

(God saw Gideon as a Mighty Warrior)

You may be praying to God about certain matters, and wondering if He is truly leading you as He promised.  It is a very easy thing to do when we doubt, but it takes a fearless courage to trust God.  One way to distinguish the voices in your own head, and the voice of God is through His word.  The LORD will always back up His word through the scriptures.  On this you can be confident.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away"
(Matthew 24:35)

I encourage you today to develop an attitude of reading and studying scripture everyday.  Pray and ask the LORD to give you spiritual understanding of what He is speaking.  You will begin to see the battles in your life as already won instead of focusing on your own human weaknesses. When you just realize how the LORD sees you, the victory is already won.  Don't wait until the battle is over to shout now!