The LORD is on my side!
As I meditated on this verse this morning it struck me that I spend way too much time thinking about all the harm people can do to me, whether it be in word or action. It's not that I go around all the time thinking about what people can do, even if it's a few minutes out of the day I shouldn't focus on anything except knowing that the LORD is on my side. When the LORD is on our side, we have absolutely nothing to fear!
When we spend our time focusing on what other people are doing to us, how we're being mistreated or taken advantage of, are we not giving more room for others to control our thinking and take up valuable space in our mind? If we only stop to consider what it means to have the LORD on our side.
I can remember when I was a little girl the kids all seemed small with their threats as long as I knew mama was going to take care of everything. I always told her when I was being mistreated at school, and somehow, she always made things better for me. Even though she was not always there physically I knew that I had nothing to fear because mama always took care of the problem.
I've learned to pray about situations and people that try to bring me down nowadays, and focus more on God, and not my problems. The more you focus on your problems the bigger they become. This is such a true saying. But, when you focus on the LORD, the bigger He will become in your life and you will have no need to fear anything....or anyone.
Are you facing challenges today? Give them over to the LORD. Don't let the enemy put into your head that you have to fight your battles alone. Recognize who's on your side....the LORD Jesus Christ, who ever lives to fight and defend you!