***This blog was posted on July 27, 2011. Be blessed***
"Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with His hand" Psalm 37:24
As I was sitting in my place of meditation this morning and reading my devotional the LORD led me to this particular scripture. You know something, God always gives me comfort through His Word. I have never seen it fail. There is none like Him in all the world. I couldn't sleep last night much, and as is my custom when that happens, I find myself just getting into a place where I can pray and cry out to God. It seems that it's always in the darkness where the devil try to attack you most. Once the lights go out, and you're just lying there with nothing to do but think about things. Friends, that's the time to pray. That's the time to give it all to Jesus. So, it wasn't unusual when at a little past 1 a.m. this morning that I was awaken. At 1:30 I found myself on my knees and praying. I cried and prayed in the Spirit. I felt the presence of God all around me. And I knew that no matter how high the mountain that God was holding my hand. No matter how the winds and storms are blowing in my life right now, I know that Jesus Christ is still on board. God has given me such peace in this time. No problem that I'm facing is bigger than the LORD!
I know that I'm not in the minority. I know that there are scores and multitudes of people who are going through great times of trials and testings. But, those storms are not bigger than the LORD! We have to be like JOB and say, "Naketh I came into this world, and naketh I shall return" for "I KNOW that MY REEDEEMER Lives!" It all boils down to this: "Are you willing to trust the LORD in times of the storms just as you trust Him when the sun is shining". Let's face it, you may not be experiencing any storms now, but sooner or later you will. This is where many of us fail. When we start to experience pain, heartaches, loneliness, sickness we then begin to question the LORD. "Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why does I feel that I'm in this alone?"
Start to get in the Word of God. I use to be one of those people that felt it was just my "good Christian duty" to read my bible. I thought that praying made me "feel religious". But my storms have taught me that this BOOK (The Holy Word of God) is not just ANY Book. I depend on it now for my very survival. I meditate on it. I break it down and find myself in it. I know that I can't make it without the bible and prayer. God is truly the breath that I breathe and one moment away from this I quickly realize that it's more than anything that I could ever imagine. God Never Fails. My desire and aim is to serve the LORD in spirit and in truth. It's not in judging anybody else. I have to stand before Him myself. The LORD sees and knows all about us (Psalm 139). There is nothing hidden from His ever seeing eyes. We may fool each other, but we can never fool the LORD.
I know that God holds me. I don't care how bleak anything looks. I know that as long as I hold to God's unchanging hands that I will make it. God will put people in my path to be a blessing and that I can be a blessing to. It's all about Jesus. It's not about me. I just feel so good knowing that the Lord has a hold on me and He won't cast me down headlong. Who wouldn't want to serve a God like this!
Let us pray for each other and begin to hold each other up. If you see your brother or sister taken in a fault, it is not your place to judge and criticize them. But, as men and women of God, it is our obligation to pray for them. The LORD loves them just as much as He loves you and I. God doesn't have favorites. God is no respecter of persons. Let's us start showing the world (by our actions) what it means to truly be a Christian (Christ-like). Just as the LORD holds us, let us please try to start upholding our fellowman.
I love you all. Much peace and blessings today in the LORD is my prayer for you!
As I was sitting in my place of meditation this morning and reading my devotional the LORD led me to this particular scripture. You know something, God always gives me comfort through His Word. I have never seen it fail. There is none like Him in all the world. I couldn't sleep last night much, and as is my custom when that happens, I find myself just getting into a place where I can pray and cry out to God. It seems that it's always in the darkness where the devil try to attack you most. Once the lights go out, and you're just lying there with nothing to do but think about things. Friends, that's the time to pray. That's the time to give it all to Jesus. So, it wasn't unusual when at a little past 1 a.m. this morning that I was awaken. At 1:30 I found myself on my knees and praying. I cried and prayed in the Spirit. I felt the presence of God all around me. And I knew that no matter how high the mountain that God was holding my hand. No matter how the winds and storms are blowing in my life right now, I know that Jesus Christ is still on board. God has given me such peace in this time. No problem that I'm facing is bigger than the LORD!
I know that I'm not in the minority. I know that there are scores and multitudes of people who are going through great times of trials and testings. But, those storms are not bigger than the LORD! We have to be like JOB and say, "Naketh I came into this world, and naketh I shall return" for "I KNOW that MY REEDEEMER Lives!" It all boils down to this: "Are you willing to trust the LORD in times of the storms just as you trust Him when the sun is shining". Let's face it, you may not be experiencing any storms now, but sooner or later you will. This is where many of us fail. When we start to experience pain, heartaches, loneliness, sickness we then begin to question the LORD. "Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why does I feel that I'm in this alone?"
Start to get in the Word of God. I use to be one of those people that felt it was just my "good Christian duty" to read my bible. I thought that praying made me "feel religious". But my storms have taught me that this BOOK (The Holy Word of God) is not just ANY Book. I depend on it now for my very survival. I meditate on it. I break it down and find myself in it. I know that I can't make it without the bible and prayer. God is truly the breath that I breathe and one moment away from this I quickly realize that it's more than anything that I could ever imagine. God Never Fails. My desire and aim is to serve the LORD in spirit and in truth. It's not in judging anybody else. I have to stand before Him myself. The LORD sees and knows all about us (Psalm 139). There is nothing hidden from His ever seeing eyes. We may fool each other, but we can never fool the LORD.
I know that God holds me. I don't care how bleak anything looks. I know that as long as I hold to God's unchanging hands that I will make it. God will put people in my path to be a blessing and that I can be a blessing to. It's all about Jesus. It's not about me. I just feel so good knowing that the Lord has a hold on me and He won't cast me down headlong. Who wouldn't want to serve a God like this!
Let us pray for each other and begin to hold each other up. If you see your brother or sister taken in a fault, it is not your place to judge and criticize them. But, as men and women of God, it is our obligation to pray for them. The LORD loves them just as much as He loves you and I. God doesn't have favorites. God is no respecter of persons. Let's us start showing the world (by our actions) what it means to truly be a Christian (Christ-like). Just as the LORD holds us, let us please try to start upholding our fellowman.
I love you all. Much peace and blessings today in the LORD is my prayer for you!