Thursday, February 2, 2017


Read Job 1-2

Sometimes we are sent to comfort others, but it’s not always with words.  Being there for them is just as important. 

When a person is grieving, it is hard to know the right words to say on some occasions, especially if you haven’t personally faced the situation before.  The loss of a spouse, child, parent or a family member may not have been something you have yet encountered.  So, how do you show your support?  How could you help?

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, after hearing about all that had befallen their friend, Job, wanted to grieve with and comfort him.  For seven days, no one spoke a word.  It’s admirable that they wanted to help their friend, but in this case, once they opened their mouth what was said was more harmful than good.  Simply being there would have been ample.

Being there for someone in grief is important.  We should always ask the Lord for guidance to speak only the words necessary to help those that are suffering. 

“The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary:  He wakens morning by morning.  He wakens my ear to hear as the learned”
Isaiah 50:4

Being that shoulder to cry on; the gentle hand touches; the hug that warmly embraces, is all that is needed at times.  Show your support by offering to do whatever you can to help them get through the pain of their loss.  Most importantly, pray and ask the Lord to comfort them as only He can.